Quebrada Issue 62A Puroresu Pro-Wrestling Match Review
Issue 62A - 1/17/00
Jd' #31 11/20/98

Yuki Lee Last Match:
Megumi Yabushita vs. Yuki Lee

Yabushita's technique was good. However, Lee totally killed the match, as she was missing her mark as usual. The match wasn't as fluid as it needed to be. Actually, it wasn't what it needed to be in any regard. To make things worse, they let Lee win her last Jd' match with her kakato otoshi even though she was facing a far superior wrestler who has to be elevated so she can take Lee's place.

Michael: UgLee going over Yabushita could be called the 8th blunder of the world I guess with the first 4 or 5 going to the Shimoda vs. Goddess match. I would've loved to have been there when Megumi was lacing up her boots and Jaguar came over and, in her best Dustyism, stood there and explained why she was going to job. The bottom line is Yuki sucks. Like you said, Yabushita tried, but Lee is about as accurate with her kicks as Stevie Wonder is at shooting skeet.

Special thanks to: Michael Smith

20:53 (5:36 aired)