Quebrada Issue 62D Puroresu Pro-Wrestling Match Review
Issue 62D - 1/17/00
Jd' #33 1/14/99

Yuko Kosugi & Yuki Miyazaki
Lioness Asuka & The Bloody

A good match that had an unfortunate ending. Miyazaki, was fired up and did some nice flying moves like the Buff blockbuster, moonsault attack, and plancha. Her execution problems hurt the match though. Still, it was good too see her wrestling as a face. It certainly made no sense to have her as a heel when her main asset is her athletic ability, and it's not like they were doing Lucha where you need athletic heels. I thought the effort from the other three was somewhat disappointing, but Kosugi and Bloody have improved to the point where they'd be better today working 3/4 speed than they were a year ago going all out.

The pacing in this match was just too slow since they weren't doing much in the way of selling. The hot moves made up for the slower pacing to some extent though. The match didn't really build, although they may have had to skip some of the build because it looked like they went home early because Miyazaki was bleeding from the mouth and screaming in pain after a double chair shot. The match was 20 minutes old already, but the finish had the look of Lioness trying to cover the problem the best she could. In any case, Bloody Dragon suplex poor bloody Miyazaki for the win. It was a good match for the work and spots, but they are definitely capable of better.

Keith: The match looked good up to the point where Asuka and the Bloody used a chair on Miyazaki. I think they must've broke a few of her teeth because her mouth was bleeding pretty severely and you could hear her crying. I hate seeing things like that. Asuka showed some fast thinking by getting a table, letting Bloody do her diving footstomp on the table covering Miyazaki. Then Bloody hit her Dragon suplex hold for the win, thus allowing for the match to stop earlier than probably planned.

Special Thanks to: Keith Watanabe - Manami Toyota Rules!

20:40 (9:11 aired)