Quebrada Issue 62E Puroresu Pro-Wrestling Match Review
Issue 62E - 1/17/00
Jd' #33 1/14/99

LLPW Live Battle '98 Commercial Tape
4/27/98 Tokyo Korakuen Hall (1,827)
LLPW Nintei Single & WWWA Sekai Single Nikan Sehshuken Jiai (Double Title Match):
Shinobu Kandori vs. Shark Tsuchiya (FMW)

I said Shark getting a title shot was a disgrace to the akai (red) belt at the time, and this match only further reinforced that opinion. This was the desecration of the top women's belt in the sport and the single worst WWWA World Title match I've ever seen by a wide margin. This match got everyone involved as Eagle, Lioness, and co. interfered on Shark's behalf and Tateno & Harley interfered on Kandori's behalf. So, it did help heat up the big LLPW feud, but boy did it suck in the ring. Part of the reason it sucked was that there was so much interference it seemed like they never did anything on their own, but then again, what good ever came of Shark doing things on her own? Shark was up to her old tricks, no selling and rather carelessly carving her opponent up with her kama. The no selling just doesn't work when Kandori is your opponent because it hurts her tough shooter aura. Kandori made her first successful double title defense when she forced Shark submit to her wakigatame.

Keith: This was a horrible farce for a WWWA singles title match. It was so horrible that you could see how simple the scripting was. Kandori goes on offensive. Cue outside interference. Shark gets to go on offensive. Cue entry of weapon. Repeat process as necessary. Lioness Asuka was so much better in this match, even though she wasn't the scheduled opponent. Tommy Ran was excellent here, and she even took better bumps than Shark. The thing about Ran is that she does extremely well in garbage gimmick, heel oriented matches; she'll make her presence known by taking bumps, and even has a few gimmick "ref" spots of her own. She isn't as noticeable in non-garbage, heel type of matches, as shown by the Hotta vs. Endo match on this tape. Anyway, this pretty much was G-Max vs. LLPW, considering that Tateno and a few others got involved. The end to this match wasn't redeeming. I think the only time I felt justified in watching Shark was when Chigusa beat the crap out of her in 5/5/96 FMW Kawasaki show. The only positive thing I can say about Shit is that the creature can get cheap heel heat very easily with her kama.

Michael: I thought the match sucked ass in all the important categories, but it was entertaining. I guess this is what a "smart" WWF fan would say (not that I want to be or sound like one of them). Anyway, Tommy ruled as usual, throwing the chairs at the heels and having that big smile on her face when Kandori won, which was sweet. Shark nearly blinded Kandori twice because she was so sloppy with the ax. Also, when Kandori was headbutting her, Shark apparently thumbed Shinobu in the eye by mistake. At one point, Shit had Kandori in a leg lock, and Shinobu had to tell her how to do it right but she still no-sold, which was classic (although I don't think she applied the pressure right even after Kandori told her how to). Kandori's shooter aura wasn't hurt because she didn't sell Shark's weak submission attempts and only really sold getting attacked with the objects.

Miko: Aside from noticing once again how careless Shark is with the kama, the biggest thing I noticed in this match was the constant outside interference. Neither Kandori nor Shark could really do much offensively on their own. The storyline was advanced, but the match suffered for it in a big way.

Special thanks to: Michael Smith, Miko Kubota - Michiku Pro, & Keith Watanabe - Manami Toyota Rules!
