Quebrada Issue 62E Puroresu Pro-Wrestling Match Review
Issue 62E - 1/17/00
Jd' #33 1/14/99

Eagle Sawai vs. Carol Midori

This was a surprisingly good match due to Midori, who was really good here. Eagle deserves a lot of credit because she totally left her gimmick, working a straight match without playing monster so Midori would be credible against her. This had all kinds of big spots and counters. However, the selling and pacing were still strong. Certainly none of these aspects are Eagle trademarks. This was Eagle's best performance in quite a while and another strong showing from Midori, who of course lost to Eagle's thunderfire powerbomb. . ***1/4

Miko: It's amazing what a little selling can accomplish. Eagle still looked strong while on offense, but her selling made the match a little more interesting. It helped alot that there was not constant outside
interference. Okino jumped in a couple of times, but she did not play an important role in the match.

Special thanks to: Miko Kubota - Michiku Pro

14:26 (6:37 shown)