Quebrada Issue 53B
Issue 53B - 9/26/99
JWP on WOWOW 12/13/97

Mixed Tag Match:
Tomoko Miyaguchi & Gedo (Fuyuki Promotions)
Tomoko Kuzumi & Jado (Fuyuki Promotions)

The JWP women were obviously way better than Fuyuki's cronies. They did a bit of double teaming, but for the most part it was woman vs. woman and man vs. man (which is what the rules called for). It was a short match that was kind of sloppy and had no build to the finish. Kuzumi & Miyaguchi didn't work as well together as they normally do, but Miyaguchi was still the best of the four. 9:47.

Michael: Like you said, the work here wasn't as strong as usual from the dueling Tomoko's. However, I enjoyed this match a lot more then the Battlarts mixed tag from 5/10 because at least this match was treated seriously instead of Gedo and Jado acting like horny little assholes.

Keith: The main heat segments of this match were on Gedo whenever he'd pull a move on Kuzumi. Thus, the best and most gratifying move in the entire match was lifted from Chono and the American promotions, Kuzumi employing a back kick to Gedo's nuts. I think everyone who saw that move applauded Kuzumi for something we've been waiting a long time to see. Even if the match wasn't good, the focus was in that the final pin came between the two JWP girls, rather than Fuyuki's boys.

Special Thanks to: Michael Smith & Keith Watanabe - Manami Toyota Rules!