Quebrada Issue 54B
Issue 54B - 10/6/99
Battle Station JWP 4/22/98

Kanako Motoya vs. Masami Ikeda

Kanako didn't seem to know what to do with her incredibly green opponent. She wound up selling most of the way then put Ikeda away with a few moves. This made Motoya look bad because Ikeda has no offense, so Motoya was selling all these weak moves. Ikeda was really bad.

Michael: This match was pretty funny, especially the spot where Motoya went over the top rope and landed on the apron and stood there (seemingly forever) waiting for Ikeda to hit her. Ikeda's strikes looked really weak, and Kanako looked bad by selling way too much. She should not have been expected to be able to carry a worker this green to any kind of a decent match.

Special Thanks to: Michael Smith

13:11 (4:40 aired)