Quebrada Issue 54B
Issue 54B - 10/9/99
Battle Station JWP 4/22/98

Devil Masami & Dynamite Kansai
Tomoko Kuzumi & Tomoko Miyaguchi

This match wasn't nearly as good as it should have been because Kuzumi & Miyaguchi didn't do their thing early. They looked bad because they weren't stiff enough with their larger opponents, so the opposition didn't/couldn't put some of their offense over. The match became quite good once Kuzumi & Miyaguchi started doing their high spots. Unfortunately, this match didn't really do anything to elevate Kuzumi & Miyaguchi. Much of the blame for this should be placed on Kansai & Devil, as they didn't seem too interested in putting the youngsters over. With the proper editing, this would have looked really good, but JWP couldn't show any more of the earlier matches. Being on Fighting TV Samurai! as opposed to WOWOW was already hurting JWP. They just didn't have the luxury of taping multiple dates for this TV show or doing any kind of video pieces to promote the good points of the product while at the same time masking the bad points like lack of depth.

Michael: I hated this match, especially the ludicrous ending. What the hell is the purpose of both Tomoko's getting pinned at the same time? We all know that Kansai and Devil are monsters, there was no need to kill Miyaguchi and Kuzumi to remind us of that. This match did nothing to further them and if anything it may've hurt them a little.

Special Thanks to: Michael Smith
