Quebrada Issue 54C
Issue 54C - 10/12/99
JWP Official Release VOL. 1

Zensedai Tournament Ikkaisen:
Devil Masami vs. Kanako Motoya

This was another one of those annoying Masami matches. I have no problem with Kanako doing the job here, but why isn't she allowed to push Devil and why is she only able to last 6 minutes? Motoya countered Devil's offense at opportune times, but never really got any offense of her own in.

Miko:The best match so far. Devil doesn't do a wide variety of moves, but most of them looked devastating. In particular, her lariats and powerbombs looked nasty. Kanako bumped well and got in some offense, including headscissoring Devil off the top rope. Devil didn't no-sell as much as usual, which also helped the match. My big complaint was the finish. Kanako kicked out of Devil's biggest moves, the powerbombs and the rolling senton, only to lose to a Romero special into a Dragon sleeper. It's a cool looking move, but I've never seen anyone in Japan actually win with it.

James: This was one of the worst matches Kanako has had in recent memory, although not as bad as the crap against Tanny Mouse on the 2/15/98 Neo Ladies show. Given Devil's age, JWP should be using her like Aja Kong uses herself in ARSION, to put over the younger wrestlers. Of course, like Aja, she'll still always win the match. Kanako gained little to nothing from this.

Special Thanks to: Miko Kubota - Michiku Pro & James Phillips- Japanese Womens Wrestling
