Quebrada Issue 54D
Issue 54D - 10/14/99
JWP Official Release VOL. 2

JWP Official Release VOL. 2
JWP Fighting Video Tape Zensedai Tournament VOL. 2
4/27 Takayama
Zensedai Tournament Nikkaisen:
Rieko Amano vs. Devil Masami

Devil's disinterest in putting over the younger wrestlers was once again all too apparent. She just wasn't into this match at all. She sold along the way and did the job in the end, but she didn't do it in a way that really made Amano look impressive. It was obvious that Devil took this match as something she was stuck doing rather than something that needed to be done for the good of the company. They stalled a lot early, and when they finally started doing something it was very slow-paced and deliberate. Amano was fine, but there isn't much you can do with Devil when she's in this kind of mood. Hikari put Amano over, but Devil just happened to lose this match. 17:03. *1/4

Miko: The camera angle was annoying. Why was it tilted? I liked the earlier Devil match better. Amano had trouble pulling off her different flying arm bars on Devil. Devil's multiple powerbomb was way too slow. Amano won by pulling off an arm bar out of a Devil powerbomb, one of the currently popular counters. Amano worked hard in the match, but the pace was slow and Devil just didn't seem as into the match.

Note: The other two matches from this tape, Amano vs. Miyaguchi and Amano vs. Bolshoi, aired in full on Battle Station. I'm skipping them here, but they will be reviewed with the appropriate TV shows.

Special Thanks to: Miko Kubota - Michiku Pro
