Quebrada Issue 55A
Issue 55A - 10/10/99
GAEA G-PANIC! #17 2/21/99

Lioness Asuka & Mayumi Ozaki
KAORU & Meiko Satomura

This match was fairly similar to the previous match, but the work was better and it wasn't the same old thing since these were new pairings. This was also a generally one-sided brawl with good work and spots, but not much build or psychology, especially since KAORU was doing dives and moonsaults right off the bat. KAORU's flying, at least, wasn't incorporated too badly since she had Satomura to hold the opposition (although there are still a lot of holes in that, particularly in the way Satomura went about doing it).

"Unfortunately KAORU's style has spread to most of the other leagues and while she and a few others were the exception, it now seems to be the rule to just roll spots out as opposed to building to them," wrote Michael.

I think she was the rule, not the exception. I only pointed out that Satomura was half-heartedly holding the opposition because it made KAORU's typically ridiculous style seem slightly more plausible.

Lioness & Ozaki were as good as you'd expect though, and Satomura looked really good wrestling them, so that made the match. Ozaki wound up pinning Satomura with her tequila sunrise.

Michael: Pretty good match, but it had the same problem as the last one. Satomura got a little more offense in than Kato, but it was pretty much the same match I just finished watching.

15:20 (14:59 aired)