Quebrada Issue 55B
Issue 55B - 10/18/99
Battle Station JWP 5/28/98

Dynamite Kansai & Devil Masami & Cuty Suzuki
Hikari Fukuoka & Tomoko Miyaguchi & Tomoko Kuzumi

This match was worse than expected because no one was fired up (actually, in points they seemed to just be going through the motions) and Miyaguchi & Kuzumi strayed from what they do best. Cuty didn't look good here, as she wrestled like she was sick or something (no stamina, lack of power, etc.).

The match was good when Hikari's team was doing their high spots, but what they did before the spots was not smart wrestling. For instance, you could make a case that doing someone else's signature move on them is good psychology. However, if that move is a giant swing and you are half your opponents size, it doesn't make much sense to try it. Both Kuzumi & Miyaguchi tried to giant swing Devil anyway, but the best result they got was Miyaguchi barely getting Devil around a few times.

The highlight of the match was Kansai Splash Mountaining Kuzumi onto Miyaguchi then Devil Jumbo suplexing Hikari onto both. Kuzumi's
Toyota-esque springboard tope con hilo was also pretty choice. Cuty pinned the champion Hikari with a Dragon suplex hold.

Jason: It looked like they were just going through the motions to kill time, with Cuty pinning Fukuoka being the only thing that came out of the match. You're right about the Giant Swing...it looked pathetic.

Special Thanks to: Jason Higgs
