Quebrada Issue 56B
Issue 56B - 10/20/99
Jd' #27 7/10/98

Sumie Sakai vs. Sachie Abe

This was pretty bad, as neither looked decent. It's becoming apparent that I've overrated Abe in the past.

Michael: I don't know how much you "overrated" Abe in the past, but I wouldn't go by this match as far as judging how good she is. Both girls had a bad night, plain and simple. Abe's not at the level of Bloody and Kosugi, but she isn't bad either.

Sakai was much better than this at this point. Even if you want to argue she wasn't at her best her, it was clear that most of the problem is that Abe is working at a much lower level than those two and even Emi Motokawa.

Special Thanks to: Michael Smith

11:00 (2:43)