Quebrada Issue 56B
Issue 56B - 10/20/99
Jd' #27 7/10/98

Jaguar Yokota & Yuki Lee & Miyuki Sogabe & Megumi Yabushita
Lioness Asuka & Ryuna & Fang Suzuki & Angie

The scrubs were eliminated first, but there were so many that it took a while to weed them all out. The match got quite good in the second half when it wasn't being dragged down by Lee's and Fang's of the world. Jaguar & Lioness were pretty much the whole match, but they are great enough that it was a good match in spite of all the jabronies.

Michael: I thought Yabushita looked good here, and the finish was really cool with her swinging around on Ryuna to catch her in the jujigatame. It would have been better if they did something between the double count out of Jaguar and Lioness and the finish, but it didn't hurt the match since it was like a flash submission. In Sogabe and Fang's defense, the were finally in a match where someone actually sucked more then they do/did.

Special Thanks to: Michael Smith
