Quebrada Issue 56C
Issue 56C - 10/20/99
Battle Station Jd' 6/20/98

TWF Sekai Oiza Senshuken Jiai:
Jaguar Yokota & Yuko Kosugi vs. Yuki Lee & The Goddess Chikako Shiratori

This was a disappointing match because no one stepped up. Jaguar was the best, but almost by default as the other three didn't show much. Jaguar is so good that she was able to carry the opposition to some good fast-paced spot wrestling, but it was clear that she rightfully didn't have much faith in them because the match was so short and she barely let Kosugi work against them.

Michael: I came away from this match with a totally different view of it then you did. Chikako and Lee looked very good here. They showed a lot of intensity, like you could tell there was some heat between Jaguar and them backstage (which became obvious soon after when they quit Jd'). The first few minutes with Lee and The Goddess on offense were strong, with Yuki even doing a good job of selling her knee. The match wasn't as exciting or good as Bloody vs. Sakai, but, considering who was in it, this was a good match. Kosugi didn't show much, but Jaguar was in for most of the match anyway. When Kosugi was in, she looked like she was mainly just trying to match Yokota's intensity. I'll even give out a rare rating for this match because I felt it was **1/2.

I originally thought it was **, but the match came off better when I watched the match again, and I feel your rating is more accurate than mine was. Considering the typical "quality" we get from Lee & Shiratori, they did some of their better wrestling here even though that was a given because they were going against Jaguar. One problem for me was that no one saw Lee & Shiratori as credible challengers coming in, and the match didn't really do anything to change your mind. Jaguar wasn't in top form, but still she's so far above their level as a wrestler that you almost felt like she'd beat them by herself.

Special Thanks to: Michael Smith
