Quebrada Issue 56D
Issue 56D - 10/20/99
Battle Station Jd' 7/15/98

Yuki Lee vs. The Goddess Chikako Shiratori

This didn't look too good and the fans, not surprisingly, weren't into it. Only half the match aired and it looked to be *1/2 or perhaps a little worse. In other words, it was another match where the only inspiration came from staring at The Goddess.

Michael: Hey, Chikako has improved, but no should expect her to carry her ugly friend to a watchable match. Actually, scratch that, every match with The Goddess is at least watchable.

Jason: This wasn't very good. Lee's kicks were missing badly yet Shiratori still sold them. Maybe she should have taken a cue from one of the veterans and no sold them to a point, then kicked her back harder.

That would work for the right wrestler, but Shiratori isn't capable of putting anything on her kicks so she just should have no sold them.

Special Thanks to: Michael Smith & Jason Higgs

8:45 (4:12 aired)