Quebrada Issue 57D
Issue 57D - 10/24/99
Battle Station Neo Ladies 1/14/99

Yuka Nakamura vs. Crusher Maedomari (free)

This was awful, terrible, horrible, and so on. Crusher didn't sell anything. She even totally no sold Nakamura's plancha. The moves they did weren't difficult, but they looked bad because they had no force behind them. Actually, this is giving Nakamura too much credit because she did not hit one single solitary move with any impact. For the most part, Crusher was barely hitting Nakamura as well, which is even less excusable since she's been wrestling for a decade. The work stunk, the transitions stunk. On top of that, it was a generally boring, one-sided, totally unconvincing piece of shit.

I really feel sorry for Nakamura because Crusher used a chair shot to bloody her then used lame punches and kicks to further open the wound. At least Crusher was focusing her pathetic "move set." It's bad enough that a girl that just turned 19 has to blade, but that much worse when the match does absolutely nothing for her because her opponent won't put her over in even the slightest way. In order for Nakamura to get her lone near fall, Yoshiko Tamura had to come in and hit Crusher so she'd fall down into Nakamura's sunset flip. Of course, Crusher immediately cut Nakamura off with another terrible lariat. Nakamura tried to bridge out, but she was unable to get her shoulders up so as lame as this finish was, at least it put us out of our misery.

Michael: We all know Crusher sucks royally, but to her "credit" she still looks more like a woman than Nicole Bass. However, the reason Crusher sucks is not due to her boyish build, but due to her lack of any talent and athletic ability whatsoever. At this point I'm wondering if the reason why she keeps getting bookings is that the promotions who use her get a tax deduction for charity. As for the match itself, if you can draw one positive out of it then you're trying too hard.

Special Thanks to: Michael Smith
