Quebrada Issue 58E
Issue 58E - 12/25/99
Battle Station JWP taped 11/15/98

Yuki Lee (Free) & The Goddess Chikako Shiratori (Free)
Devil Masami & Command Bolshoi

Shiratori replaced Amano, and they restarted the match. It was all impromptu, so it was terrible to the point that it was a mistake to have the match. It was only notable for Bolshoi doing the lamest kendo stick swing ever. Devil & Shiratori no sold some gimmick spots, although mainly it was Devil no selling. Bolshoi pinned Lee with her pico buster. The only good thing about this match was that it was short.

Miko: This could be the worst Devil match I've ever seen. She's half comedy wrestler and half monster, which a combination that just doesn't work for me. Her goofy facials and really bad no-selling just got on my nerves. JWP needs Devil, but I think she's pretty much reached the end as far as being able to wrestle.

Special Thanks to: Miko Kubota - Michiku Pro
